✨ Wish list

New integrations and features are being planned and built from this wish list.
We will look at the number of votes an idea have and prioritize based on that.
When you vote, you will get automatic emails to keep up to date about the progress 😎

  • Stripe Hosted Checkout Page
    πŸŽ‰ Feature

    The SCA compliant form popup looks quite spammy and Stripe suggests not to send customer card details using API, which is the case when we use...

  • I would like to have options for broken hours, for example, keeping 1.5 hours and not 90 minutes. This would help us to have cleaning services lasting...

  • Double Booking

    I’m looking for a booking platform that isn’t possible to doble book by staff or by customer, so the time slot cant accept 2 times the same...

  • I cant show prices including taxes if I want to have a correct automated invoice....

  • Please enable a feature where we can remove countries from the phone number field

  • When you have different durations set with the happy hour add-on enabled, it doesn't work at all. It screws up the calendar system as well, showing...

  • Some of my classes run for up to 12 days......

  • Photos / Details view
    πŸŽ‰ Feature

    A more detailed view of a service with the ability to add photos as well for each individual service......

  • Would it be possible to implement some features that would allow BookingPress to be used for booking tables in a bar/restaurant?...

  • Ich kann eine Dienstleistung erstellen, aber bekomme dafΓΌr kein Datum hinterlegt. Wie kann ich das einstellen?

  • Mobile Locations
    πŸŽ‰ Feature

    Add the option for locations to be mobile locations. This would need to include a travel time option.

  • I see that I can add a shortcode for one service....

  • In current settings, we can only default to a country code when a customer enter their phone number....

  • Hey, it would be nice if the services extra quantities could be linked between service. It would be great for people who wants to give the opportunity...

  • I have packages in my website which contain different number of service sessions (for example 4/8/12 sessions)....

  • I would request to include a setting to change the language, as it is currently only in English

  • feature request: bundle hours
    πŸŽ‰ Feature

    I wish it can be possible to sell a bundle of hours (for instance 3) and dividing them into 3 slot of 1 hour each one....

  • Função de gerente
    πŸŽ‰ Feature

    Criar a possibilidade de função de gerente e recepcionista. Estou utilizando na clinica para agendamento de exames e todos os usuÑrios precisa...

  • Allow for conditional prices
    πŸŽ‰ Feature

    add/subtract prices based on specific conditions including custom conditions like time of the day, user selected data, location etc

  • I have a category for 3 sessions , but it is not showing in the booking link Booking Link : https://hshs.com.au/booking/

  • It would be nice to be able to change the colors (tabs, buttons,...) of this dashboard (BookingPress Staff Panel)? https://prnt.sc/uI1i2L-USTck