"Working Hours" Days of the Week Not Aligned with Booking Page

hidden Not approved

When you select the "Working Hours" page under settings and you set the days and hours that you are available to work. The days do not match up with the days in the Booking Page. Such that if you set yourself as available on Monday, you are actually setting availability for Sunday on the booking page. The week is 1 day off. I have compensated this by setting availability for my work from Sunday through Wednesday instead of for Monday through Thursday as intended. Setting the schedule back one day seems to get the booking page availability set correctly.

Dan Mathamigo

1 year ago

Reputeinfosystems changed status to Not approved

10 months ago



We have tried to regenerate the issue at our development server but no such issue found.

I'd like to draw your attention to the fact that even if the WordPress Timezone doesn't align with your region or system timezone, a similar outcome to the one you're experiencing might still occur. Kindly verify this on your end by heading over to WordPress > Settings > General > Scroll down to timezone and alter the same and let us know if it resolves the issue for you.


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