Right now, we only have Service, Location and Staff Member as options for booking.
I think Bookingpress is missing a great opportunity of adding "resources" to the booking process.
In my case, we are using Staff Members as resources, which is not optimal.
We are a music studio, with different 3 locations and booking services that can be booked in specific "rooms". These services may also include additional instruments or secondary services, such as adding a guitar rental or an internet broadcast to the same booking.
In our case, the Staff is not an important part of our business, the customer doesn't need to choose any staff.
But for each Service, they must choose the location and the room that they want to rent, and also if they want additional instruments like guitar, bass, drum cymbals, etc....
If we had the possibility of offering assets for booking, we would be able to assign Rooms and Instruments as assets, and this would show up as a step in the booking form.
It would be nice to be able to choose multiple assets in the same reservation.
For example:
Service -> Location -> Assets (multiple choice) -> Custom Duration -> Date/Time -> Identification -> Checkout
Rehearsal -> Address A -> 1x Room 5, 1x Guitar, 1x iPad -> 7 hours -> Sept. 22nd, 10:00 through 17:00 -> Customer info -> Checkout
In the example above, the customer has rented a rehearsal session of 7 hours in Room 5, with one guitar and 1 ipad included, at location Address A.
Having asset bookings would be a really good addition for our case, making the booking process much more flexible to adapt to our business.
5 months ago
By the way, if "Room" could be an additional step or a separate addon (like a sub-location), it would be even better. Room is so important, that it is not really an asset, but the actual thing being booked. While instruments or ipad would be assets that can be rented together with the room.
Note: regarding the extra items addon, the problem is that the extra items are very simple in that addon, their capacity isn't shared between all services and we can't really track the rentals of each extra items so well in analytics... That addon could be improved so that extra items would be added individually and then assigned to the services and locations, like the "staff members" option. In the booking form, extra items could have a separate dedicated step after choosing the service, location, the date and time. This would work much better for our needs, if the extra items addon could be improved this way.
0 5 months ago Reply