Please add integrate this new SMS Gateway - as a romanian client i use this service, and i want to be able to find it in SMS Addons Gateway...
I sent a ticket and got this answer :
"i need a new SMS Gateway
Ticket No:
26 Nov, 2024 7:31 pm
Last Reply:
28 Nov, 2024 2:42 pm
hello, i have just bought bookingpress standard plan and for sms gateway addon doesnt have the service i use.. i use could you add it in the list ?
and i dont know what to choose from the list ... and also the sms message should contain some tags to add in the message as : " Hello {name} , Your booking made on {date} and hour choosen {hour} has been succesuffully added.. You will receive an email on you email {email} ..."
could you add it ?
Thank you for reaching out and sharing your requirements.
Currently, BookingPress does not support as an SMS gateway. However, I have forwarded your request to our core development team for further discussion. In the meantime, I encourage you to submit a feature request at . Feature requests with higher upvotes are given priority for implementation, so your contribution is valuable.
Regarding your SMS message, BookingPress does provide placeholders to customize your messages. You can select placeholders like name, date, hour, and email from the placeholder section on the right when configuring your SMS notifications. These placeholders can be found in BookingPress > Notifications.
If you need further guidance on setting up SMS notifications or choosing an alternative gateway, feel free to let us know.
14 Hours Ago"
2 months ago