Notes on bookings and customers (for admin)

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In our use, we need to write down notes about the appointments with details about the customers, special requests, etc...

After you change the status of an appointment, you can't edit the appointment again, so adding custom fields on BookingPress doesn't do the job because those fields can't be edited later by the admin.

Image showing screenshot of the appointment editing window:

After appointment has been changed we can't edit the fields anymore

It becomes much complicated to track notes for BookingPress appointments in an external app, so a notes feature in appointments, payments and customers would be a great support for managers and company team that use BookingPress to manage appointments.

Private notes, that can always be added, deleted and edited by admin, independently from the status of the appointment.


3 months ago


I believe I did some action in BP to make that appointment not editable. Because checking further, I see that no matter what status change I make, the appointment is still always editable. So we can edit hidden internal field for notes. It must have been some error on my side, for that appointment to not be editable (don't know what happened).

But still, a "store notes" function for these items, where we can add internal notes for the employees to keep track of appointment, payment and customer details, without sharing with the customer, would be a very good addition.

My idea is a notes section where we can add notes to these items, kind of like Woocommerce has on orders, but also that we can edit the existing notes if wanted.

(edit: I have one appointment in my bookings that can't be edited, and I have no idea why)
(edit 2: Now I have a hunch.... the booking date is in the past for that appointment, that's probably why I can't edit it!)
(edit 3: In practice, we realize that editing past appointments is important for note-taking and updating. Say you had to refund a customer long after their session has been given.... the admin notes/comments feature would be really important for this scenario)

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