I have extensive experience in my business and a solid base of regular clients, which has given me a good understanding of the time each service requires for different clients. Therefore, I would appreciate a feature that enables me to adjust the duration of appointments manually. Currently, when a client books Service A, it's automatically set for 60 minutes. However, I know from experience that certain clients only need 45 minutes. By having the ability to tailor appointment times individually, I can optimize my schedule more efficiently and eliminate unnecessary breaks.
11 months ago
7 months ago
8 months ago
Yes for us also it's a need. We are a beauty salon and some services have different duration for some customers.
Example: the employee works until 6 p.m. and we'd like to add an appointment at 5 p.m. for a service that normally lasts 75 minutes, but with this repeat customer 60 minutes is enough. At present, it is not possible to make this appointment.
0 9 months ago Reply