Mandatory service extra selection

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It will be more flexible for user to set whether the extras are mandatory or not. Include the option to set minimum or maximum selection required.

Use case:

  1. (Optional) After selecting a service, user may select up to 3 extra. He may select none.
  2. (Mandatory) After selecting a service, user MUST select minimum 1 extra, and up to 2.

Reference from Amelia:


1 month ago


Adding more details to this, taking reference from another booking plugin which supported this:

  • When you create at least one extra, you will see an option to choose whether the extras will be mandatory in the booking process or not, and this option will show up above the extras list.
  • If you enable the option โ€œSet extra as a mandatory fieldโ€œ, you will be able to choose the minimum number of extras that will be mandatory for booking when the customer books the service they are created for.

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