It is imperative for our use to have a "Manager account" that can see and manage appointments, payments and services for all staff on the system.
Currently, the only type of employee account is one staff member, but that does not allow an employee to manage all business of BookingPress.
We can't give administrator priviledges to employees, so this makes things much complicated.
I had to do some juggling using "Members" user-roles plugin, where I added all BP permissions we wanted for employees to a custom role, creating a hidden staffmember within BookingPress, and then to allow this staff to manage all business I simply removed the role of staffmember, keeping only our custom role.
This seems to be working, but a "salesman" or "manager" BookingPress account will be much better if it comes from the devs.
3 months ago
These are the only permissions we allowed for this employee + manage_dashboard
And on the BP staffmember settings ("Sala" means staff in our setup):
0 3 months ago Reply
a downside of what I did is that the staff can't enjoy the compact view in this case, because it does not have bookingpress_staffmember role.
If I add that role, the user becomes restricted to its own staff data again... but the idea is not a "bookable staff", but an employee account that can manage the business from the back end.
0 3 months ago Reply