We would like to request the ability to add a category to a package, rather than being limited to specifying quantities of individual services. We offer multiple services at the same cost, and it would be highly beneficial to create a package that allows clients to purchase a package of 10 services and then choose which specific services they would like to schedule. This flexibility would enable us to sell more services upfront while providing our clients with the freedom to select from a variety of options that suit their needs, such as a massage one day and a sauna session the next.
Additionally, we would appreciate the ability to automatically notify clients when they have one or two services remaining, prompting them to renew their package for another set of 10 services. This feature would provide an excellent opportunity to upsell additional packages and enhance customer engagement.
6 months ago
A big YES to the ability to send notifications depending on where people are at in their packages (including a follow up after the package/apointment has been consumed).
0 1 month ago Reply