I want buttons on my page under different categories of services to take my clients directly to that category in the BookingPress booking area. Currently it takes everyone to the most recently added category (or the category that I've chosen to be shown first) but that's not where I want all my buttons to go.
1 year ago
I think you already can achieve this feature. By passing category id in url and using same shortcode on multiple pages where you want to show each category service separately.
1 8 months ago Reply
Hello, i've got the same question. How could we do that ? With services for exemple, we could use exemple.com/booking-appointment/?s_id=1 but i tried exemple.com/booking-appointment/?c_id=1 or exemple.com/booking-appointment/?cat_id=1 or exemple.com/booking-appointment/?category_id=1 nothing of them worked. In the doc of BookingPress, there is just few exemple for staff members, locations and services but not for categories. Is there a way to select it in a URL ?
0 6 months ago Reply