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The days (month, weekdays) in booking form for comsumers are not working in translation. The language of user, website, wordpress system, are all set in the same language. However, the booking form in customize section, admin area is well translated.
Please add them in the same POT.
5 months ago
Wordpress Language - zh_TW
Wordpress Time Format - a g:i (AM 1:00)
BookingPress Settings - Default Time Format - Inherit From Wordpress
BookingPress Customize - Time slot styling for the booking form - Inherit From Wordpress
Found out there are two different format still, after translation and settings.
δΈε1:00 in zh_TW - This is OK
am 1:00 in en_US - This is NOT
Time on My_Bookings on frontend - NOT
Time on Manage Appointments, appointments page of admin page, OK
Time on detailed appointment, Manage Appointments, appointments of admin page - NOT
Time on detailed appointment, Manage Payments, payment of admin page, - NOT
Time on Shift Management, Services & Staff of admin page - NOT
Time on Booking Form, Customize of admin page - OK
Time on My Bookings , Customize of admin page - NOT
Time on Timeslot Grouping Settings, General Settings, Settings of admin page - NOT
Time on Working Hours, Settings of admin page - NOT
Time on Special Days, Settings of admin page - NOT
Time on Appointments Summary, Reports of admin page - OK
0 5 months ago Reply