Buddypress/Woocommerce Integration

👍 Gathering votes

Instead of creating a WP/BookingPress account it should be possible to have Bookingpress be integrated/sync in Buddypress and/or Woocommerce:

  • When account creation is triggered by Bookingpress it checks to see if there is a BP or Woo install;
  • if BP + Woo have account integration (with Youzify or other option) then account shows as tab in BP;
  • If only Woo is installed Bookings can be found in a tab in Woo (like downloads, subscription, etc).

Currently you can use the shortcode to pull Booking account into Buddypress but this creates a css problem on many themes because it isn't build for that integration.

The idea is to allow BookingPress admin/developer to choose where BookingPress users can see their account details to integrate better into the WP/BP/Woo site to give a better UX.


1 year ago

4 votes
🎉 Feature