BuddyBoss & BuddyPress Integration
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Integrate BookPress with BuddyBoss to enable a direct booking system within the BuddyBoss platform for multiple members. This integration would add a dedicated "Bookings" tab and a simplified dashboard for users to manage their bookings and services/costs from their profile.
- Provide a seamless booking interface within BuddyBoss.
- Allow users to manage their bookings, including scheduling, appointments, and cancellations.
- Allow payments through selected gateway including WooCommerce
- Be independdnt of Woocommerce bookings ie not require WC bookimngs/scheduling
Functional Requirements:
- Bookings Tab: Introduce a "Bookings" section accessible from the main navigation of BuddyBoss where users can view and manage their bookings.
- User-Generated Bookings: Allow users to create and customize their own schedules and appointments.
- Dashboard: Users should have a dashboard to view their active and historical bookings, manage cancellations, and receive updates on booking status.
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0 5 months ago Reply