I agree. I asked the same. I offer three services and I want to offer one of those services during Monday to Friday only. Within the services, it would be great if we could have an option to select days as to when we offer that particular service. It would be easier than adding .css {} codes ourselves.
Copy and paste the above code and paste it to the custom CSS textarea from the BookingPress > Customize page. You'll see an icon with curly braces {}. Click on that and you'll get a text area for the custom CSS.
I agree. I asked the same. I offer three services and I want to offer one of those services during Monday to Friday only. Within the services, it would be great if we could have an option to select days as to when we offer that particular service. It would be easier than adding .css {} codes ourselves.
0 7 months ago Reply
custom CSS that you can use to change the background color of the dates that are not available.
.bpa-front--dtcalendar .vc-day .vc-day-content.is-disabled,.bpa-front--dtcalendar .vc-day.is-today .vc-day-content.is-disabled{ background: #727E95 !important;}
Copy and paste the above code and paste it to the custom CSS textarea from the BookingPress > Customize page. You'll see an icon with curly braces {}. Click on that and you'll get a text area for the custom CSS.
0 7 months ago Reply
8 months ago
Is this feature still in development? If so, what is the estimated date of shipping?
0 9 months ago Reply
1 year ago
Allowing option for Holidays to span a range of dates (vs. just a single day) would accomplish this too.
1 1 year ago Reply
You can di this already. select last day of holiday and then click on the first day of the hoilday and it will highlight the length of days included.
1 9 months ago Reply