Attendence System, Ability to add/remove classes by tapping RFID card to search

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There should be an attendance system in bookingpress.

Since I m using this plugin for dance classes, So after the student book their appointment (let's say 6 classes, 1 in a day or multiple)
So, When the student attends the first class there should be an attended system that I can tell the system to mark 1 class attended and show the remaining.

Option 1:
This might be fulfilled through text input field in student bookings and we can alot unique numbers and write the RFID card with the same number. So when the student come to attend the class, there should be an option that can search option by tapping the RFID card on the card reader connected to a USB port. So the system detects the number and found the specific student and can option to add/deduct the classes or attendance or any other tasks.


Option 2:
this can be done if the system aloted a unique booking id for each appointment, so we can write the same ID through RFID card writer. and use them for search the specific appointment and mark attendance or add/remove classes or any other task

option 1 when someone has pre-write RFID cards so whatever the card number he has to add in the appointment to search later

option 2 when we have RFID card reader and writer both, so we can write the card the with the same appointment ID which system is generated to search the appoiontment.

It Hbhinstitute

1 year ago

One vote
🎉 Feature