It would be great if it were possible to adjust the price of the booking after it has been made.
Suppose a service is booked and the employee realizes on site that he needs more parts than planned. It would be good if you could request an additional payment in the dashboard or increase/adjust the cost of the appointment.
11 months ago
I really need this feature.
I do onsite bookings and will always need to edit price.
Would be great to have the option for the staff member to add services that are hidden from front end.
I.E Customer books for 1 hour $100
staff member takes 2 hours and needs to add on an extra $x for additional labour.
0 2 weeks ago Reply
This is the only feature i have to stick to booknetic because of, Alot of the time i need to change the price according to the service difficulty and time taken, there just isent a way to change the price. there should be an option to edit the price after appointment is booked.
0 4 months ago Reply